Saturday, April 28, 2012

Demographic Winter

I thought that it was really interesting how the video Demographic Winter talked about how the population is decreasing. I always thought that the population was increasing and never would have thought we need to have more babies because people are not having enough children. Here are a couple of factors that have led to our society's fertility decline.
  • Prosperity-industrial revolution children become or are expensive commodities
  • Women's revolution -gender equality, more women in the work force, and women have the opportunity to have careers and are preparing careers over family life
  • Sexual revolution- Birth control, cohabitation, and ment can get their sexual gratification by not getting married or having babies
  • Divorce revolution-divorced is learned and more families are getting divorced, laws are like "No Fault Divorce" make it easier to people to get divorced
These are some of the reasons why society's fertility is declining and I do believe that it's is important for families to have children so that our Human Capital can increase in our society and so that we can leave a heritage or posterity once we die. But most importantly having children bring true joy and happiness and meaning to our lives. What are your feelings about having children? And what are some of the blessings you have received from having children or being in your family?

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The reason for my blog

Hi Everyone. I am now officially in the world of blogging. I never thought that I would have a blog. I personally have a hard time keeping a journal and documenting about my life. I feel that I don't have an exciting or interesting life to write about. So blogging will be an adventure to me. In all honesty I'm just not that type of gal who likes others besides friends and family to know about my life. Don't get me wrong I love meeting new people and getting to know others yet I can be pretty private about my life.

 Let me explain now why I started this blog  I want to be a Family and Marriage Therapist. For my Family Relations class we have been given the opportunity to create a blog where we can express and talk about the things we are learning in class or anything that has to do in regards to the Family.

It has taken me years to come to realize how important the family unit is in society and in our own lives. My life hasn't been easy and I came from a dysfunctional family as they call it. For this main reason my desire is to strengthen the home and the family through therapy someday. 

 Maybe you feel that you have come or are in a dysfunctional family. Or maybe you came from a good family or perfect family. Whatever your family circumstance whether good or bad please feel free to share your stories, concerns, comments, questions and the things that have helped you have success in your family.